Saturday, December 21, 2013

Preparing for worship on the 4th Sunday of Advent - Dec. 22, 2013

This is the last Sunday before Christmas 2013.   I am very excited about the message God has laid upon my heart,  I am praying for a great attendance this Sunday and expecting to welcome many first time guest.  I plan to extend an invitation for people to experience God's love and forgiveness at the close of my message.  This Sunday we conclude the Advent teaching series:

We are going to really enjoy the songs we sing in worship!

We begin our worship with a welcome and lighting the candles on the Advent Wreath

Now, we lift our voices in worship:

We continue in our worship by bringing our offerings to the Lord.  We give because He first gave!
I am trusting the Lord to meet our financial needs as a church according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus!  Here is the song planned for the time of offering:

The Power of Christmas “Presence”

The Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and you will call him Immanuel.     Isaiah 7:14b
ʿimmānûʾēl - “with us” “God”


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