Tuesday, April 15, 2014

John Fletcher's Heart Check Questions

John Fletcher, the 18th Century Vicar of Madeley, was a seeker after God. His heart's desire was to press in to love Him more fully.  

 He drew up this list of questions for personal reflection at the end of the day:

1 Did I awake spiritual, and was I watchful in keeping my mind from wandering this morning when I was rising?

2 Have I this day got nearer to God in times of prayer, or have I given way to a lazy, idle spirit?

3 Has my faith been weakened by unwatchfulness, or quickened by diligence this day?

4 Have I this day walked by faith and eyed God in all things?

5 Have I denied myself in all unkind words and thoughts? Have I delighted in seeing others preferred before me?

6 Have I made the most of my precious time, as far as I had light, strength, and opportunity?

7 Have I kept the issues of my heart in the means of grace, so as to profit by them?

8 What have I done this day for the souls and bodies of God’s dear saints?

9 Have I laid out anything to please myself when I might have saved the money for the cause of God?

10 Have I governed well my tongue this day, remembering that “in a multitude of words there wanteth not sin”?

11 In how many instances have I denied myself this day?

12 Do my life and conversation adorn the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

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