Saturday, April 26, 2014

Preparing for worship on Sunday April 27 2014

On Sunday I launch a new Teaching Series from the book of Galatians.  I hope you will plan to join us for this new series: 

There are moments in life that change us forever. Whenever someone becomes a Christian, they are completely transformed. We used to number our goodness in deeds, words, and thoughts. But grace unsettles everything. In The New Normal we will study the book of Galatians to examine the reality of this transformation and the new way of living that comes with it. The problem is that we tend to want to keep doing what we’ve always done – we are constantly trying to improve on God’s way. What Paul told the Galatians over 2000 years ago is the same message we need to hear today: the Gospel is the new normal.

We welcome everyone to a time of worship and then stand to sing to the LORD:

We now greet one another in the name of the Lord.  We are reminded that a people that has friends must show that they are friendly.    As we bring our community time to a close we stand in unity to declare our praise to the Lord in a responsive reading:

Responsive Reading (Psalm 136:1-9)
L: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
C: His love endures forever.

L: Give thanks to the God of gods.
C: His love endures forever.

L: Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
C: His love endures forever.

L: to him who alone does great wonders,
C: His love endures forever.

L: who by his understanding made the heavens,
C: His love endures forever.

L: who spread out the earth upon the waters,
C: His love endures forever.

L: who made the great lights—
C: His love endures forever.

L: the sun to govern the day,
C: His love endures forever.

L: the moon and stars to govern the night;
C: His love endures forever.

Now we continue in our expression of praise and trust in the Lord by going to the Him in prayer.

Now it is time to turn to the anointed WORD of God as I stand to preach.... 

When was the last time that you had to adjust to a new normal in your life? A new normal is when we find ourselves in a new set of circumstances and have to adjust our lives accordingly. The hard thing about a new normal is that we often find ourselves drifting back into our old way of doing things. If you have ever moved to a new house in the same city, you have probably found yourself one day driving absentmindedly to your old home – it is what feels natural! The Gospel is the biggest new normal of all. It changes every aspect of our life, and Paul’s letter to the Galatians is written to help the churches there adjust. When you became a Christian, what was the biggest adjustment you had to make, or are still making?

I plan to share three lessons for living in the New Normal!

I close my message with a prayer and a call to express our new life in Christ through songs:

As we present our tithes and offerings to the Lord we do so with a proclamation of our faith in the Lord.

Who was the last person you invited to church in the last 30 days?  
Isn't it time you made that call? - sent that email?  
Someone is wanting for your invitation to join you at church. 
Don't let them down.  

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