Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A different talk - some same thoughts

This week I have received a number of remarks about my sermon last week.  As I stood in the foyer following the service someone told me they appreciated my message and it was a "good reminder" for them.  I must admit, I was a little taken back knowing the God had spoken to me through this message about checking my "normal" and asking God if there is anything in my "normal" that needs to be adjusted to following a "NEW NORMAL".

Later, I had two people tell me that they thought my message Sunday was one of the best they had heard me preach.  Someone who had heard my preaching now for over 7 years said this message was one of my "Top 10" messages preached at NRN!  As soon as possible I went to my computer and listen to my message once again to heard what God said through me.

Someone emailed me on Monday with a simple note that they were aware of a different talk that reflected some of the same truths from my message on Sunday.  It was a TED talk.

Here it is:

What has God said to you?

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