Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014 - A tribute - Remembering my dad

On this Memorial Day 2014 - I am once again reminded that this holiday weekend is not really about mattress sales or simply a day off.  It is a day to celebrate our freedoms and remember those who gave their life to preserve these freedoms. 

A family activity today could be taken from Thanksgiving Day traditions.  As you have a meal today, why not take the time to say what freedom you are thankful for.

Here is a tribute to those who provide our freedom of speech and to gather for worship. 

Today I am remembering my dad 
             Paul Richard Hudgens.

I recently read over a copy of my dad's discharge form from the US Army.  Here is what caught my attention as I noticed his commendations. It reads simply:

Normandy  Northern France   Ardennes
Rhineland Ground Combat
4 overseas service bars  Good conduct medal
European - African - Middle Eastern
Ribbon w/ 1 silver battle star
World War 11 Victory Metal 

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