Saturday, May 10, 2014

Preparing for Worship On May 11 2014

As we prepare for worship this Sunday at NRN I am once again consumed with the message that God has placed within my heart to preach tomorrow.  It will not be a traditional Mother's Day message, but I sense each person will be moved by the Holy Spirit as we look at Galatians 3:1-5 and draw great spiritual truths about three theological terms: Justification, Sanctification and Glorification. We will honor all mothers and have a gift of carnations for all ladies at church on Sunday.

I hope you will prayerfully consider who you should invite to join you at church this Sunday.  I have personally  invited two people to be with us.

Let's prepare for worship:

We begin with a warm welcome and call to worship.  Then stand to sing a great song:

To pause to thank God in prayer and then welcome one another in the name of the Lord!

We enter into a time of prayer followed by a special tribute to all mothers who are with us today! This will lead us into another song of praise to the Lord:

Now we worship the Lord with our tithes and offerings as we sing a new song to the Lord:

Now the preaching of the Word!

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