Saturday, May 24, 2014

Preparing for Worship on May 25 2014

Our church family has been on Baby Watch as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Pastor Jordan and Alana's little girl any time now.  The due date of May 20 has passed and we are in prayerful anticipation of her arrival. Alana is doing well and the waiting is underway. Watch our Facebook page and this blog for the announcement when the arrival occurs. 

We are pleased to announce that Kyra Jane Unfried was born on Friday May 23rd at 11:49pm.  She is a healthy    6 lbs. 8 ozs. and 20 " long. Everyone is happy and healthy!

Here is the planned order of worship.  
We make our plans, but God has the last word!  We will using the iworship clips to assist our worship today. The clips below are the ones we plan to use during worship tomorrow. 

We begin with a welcome and time of celebration for Pastor Jordan and Alana in the birth of their daughter.  Then we join in prayer; and stand to offer our praise to God in song:


We take a few moments to greet one another and enjoy a time of connection with our church family and new friends!  On this Memorial Day weekend we also pause to remember the price paid for our freedom.  Here is my favorite Memorial Day tribute:

We continue in our worship by bringing our tithes and offerings to the Lord.

And we now draw our attention to the preaching of the Word of God.

Galatians  Chapter 5

Becoming a Christian takes our entire lives. There was a point in the past when we started following Jesus, but it takes a lifetime to become more like him. We tend to get frustrated when we grow slowly. If being a believer is a new normal, why does it seem to take so long for us to change? The truth is, change happens every day, little by little. We will look tomorrow at four ways change happens in the New Normal! 

 I hope you will read Galatians Chapter 5 before you come to church tomorrow.

Now - give a phone call to that person you should invite to church tomorrow........     

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