Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Step into a New Normal and join us for prayer at 6:30 this evening.

Tonight we gather for prayer at NRN.  This is such an important time for our church and mission.  The Lord brought to my mind how important prayer is.  One day this week I had several important meetings on one day and to be honest, I was a little concerned about of  the meetings. Then I sensed the presence of God and was reminded that there is a prayer covering over me each time I step into an opportunity for ministry. 

Our prayers for one another are very important.  Praying with others is vital to enhance our time with God. 

I invite you to step away from the present normal of your life and join with others this evening at 6:30pm as we gather for prayer at NRN 

Here is a primer for our time together this evening:

Here are two ways to live "In Prayer":

1. Spirit of Prayer: This is a day by day, moment by moment awareness of God's presence -- maintaining a prayerful attitude throughout all the day's interactions.

2. Seasons of Prayer: Setting apart extended time to pray deeply. This may be a daily time of solitude with your Savior.  It also applies to getting away for a day (or half day, or two days, etc) for prayerful reflection -- hearing from the Lord.

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