Thursday, July 10, 2014

Moved the Fence

During World War II, as Allied soldiers fought their way across France, a soldier died during a bloody firefight. After the battle was over, his buddies wanted to find a way to give him a decent burial. The only cemetery in the closest village was a Catholic cemetery so they approached the priest, asking for permission to bury their fallen comrade there. “Is he Catholic?” the priest asked. “No, he’s Protestant,” came the reply. With great regret, the priest said, “He cannot be buried here. This cemetery is reserved for baptized members of the Catholic Church.” 

So the soldiers found a suitable place outside the fence that marked the border of the cemetery. With great sorrow, they buried him and then went back to the war. 

Some months later, the soldiers returned to the tiny village, hoping to provide a suitable marker for their friend. To their surprise and consternation, when they came to the burial spot, they could not find the grave. Not knowing what else to do, they asked the priest if he knew what had happened. He told them after they had buried their friend; he could not sleep at night. So one morning he got up early and MOVED THE FENCE to include the body of the much-loved soldier who had died for his country.

 THAT'S WHAT GOD DID FOR US. He could not rest while we’re on the wrong side of the fence. He wanted so much to bring us into his family that he sent his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who through his death on the cross “MOVED THE FENCE” so that we would have a place in God’s family.

If God has “MOVED THE FENCE” for us, can we not do the same for others? If God found a way to include us in his love, can we not reach out to include those who have sinned against us? This is the very heart of the gospel. What God has freely done for us, we are called to do for others. The heart of God is filled with love and at its center stands a cross. Through that cross we have been forgiven. May God give us grace to “MOVED THE FENCE” for others as God has “MOVED THE FENCE” for us.  Amen

Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.                             Romans 5:1-2

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