Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Day of Ministry on August 17 2014

I wish to express my appreciation to Pastor Royce Hathcock for speaking today at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. Pastor Royce is a gifted speaker and I am confident that the presence of the LORD was strong today at NRN! 

I know that Pastor Royce is planning to share about the Christian Community Development Association and the upcoming conference coming to Raleigh on September 24-27, 2014.

Today is a very special day for Sharron and me as we are in Strasburg,Va.for a once in a lifetime event:

James Ahlemann was raised in a pastor's home and at an early age began ministry in the Church of the Nazarene. Pastoring a large church in the DC area he departed from the denominational structure and became the founding pastor of Christian Fellowship Church in Vienna, Va. I came to Christian Fellowship as the first full time youth pastor. 

I had the privilege of serving on the pastoral staff of Christian Fellowship Church in Vienna, Va. for over 11 years.  On April 1, 1981 Sharron and I along with our 5 month old twin daughters and our cat - Henry Hudgens - departed Charlotte NC and relocated to Herndon, VA.  I joined the staff at CFC as Youth Pastor.  I served in that capacity as the youth group grew from a core group of 17 teenagers to an average attendance for Youth Sunday School to over 100 teens within 7 months. 

Danielle and Stephanie at play outside my office at Christian Fellowship Church

Pastor Rick directs the Youth Choir - The Chosen Generation
I served as Youth Pastor for three years, then became Division Pastor as the staff grew in portion to the growth of the church.  As the church grew beyond the 1,000 attendance mark it was time for a re-organization of the pastoral staff and my responsibilities increased to oversee the development of Christian Fellowship Schools and ministries from nursery through young adult.
In 1985 my ministry position changed to serve as Executive Pastor as I directed the pastoral staff of CFC. In 1992 God lead our family to relocate to Marion, IN, where I served as the Senior Pastor of College Church (the campus church of Indiana Wesleyan University).

Jay Ahlemann has been a close friend and mentor to me for over 30 years.  It is a very exciting day for Sharron and me to be with Jay and Pat on their special day!

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