Monday, August 25, 2014

Jim Caviezel - Inspirational video You need to see this!

Jim Caviezal speaks with Dave Cooper – The Pastor of Rock Church. The Rock is San Diego's largest church with over 12,500 people attending the Rock's five Sunday service. It was started in 2000, by Pastor Miles McPherson, a former NFL player.

Jim Caviezal shares about his experience to portray Jesus Christ in the film: The Passion of Christ.   This is a moving and powerful testimony you need to hear.  Listen and then call a friend to hear these words to encouragement. 

I have never heard Jim's experience before when he made this movie. He had a dislocated shoulder, pneumonia, a 14"laceration, and he was struck by lightning. He took his part in this movie very seriously. He recommends that we take our Christianity seriously too, following Christ no matter what.

If this message had spoken to your heart – God may be drawing you near to Him. 

If you desire more information about how to know Jesus as your Savior please comment
 and leave me your phone number and I will call you as soon as possible. 

Your comment will NOT be made public but it will be sent to me as an email message. 

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