Saturday, September 27, 2014

Preparing for worship on the last Sunday of September 2014

As we prepare for worship on this last Sunday of September 2014 - I am very refreshed from our annual family vacation and the message in my spirit has been marinating for several weeks as we bring the current teaching series to a close. The message tomorrow is from the life of Moses:

Hebrews 12:1 says "we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses..."

In the final message in this teaching series we ask Moses to join us in the race of life to give us insight about our life with God.    
 In this 6-week series, we have looked at some of the spiritual giants from the Bible.  The theme of Moses’ life was, “abandon safe and live by faith.” What does this statement mean to you? Has there been a time in your life when you’ve stepped out on the ledge of faith and took a jump? What was the outcome?

We begin by drawing our attention to God in worship to Him!

I plan to speak a Call to Worship and lead us in an opening prayer to come before the Lord!

I will invite the church family to stand and offer our praise in a loud voice in unison to the Lord as we sing:

We now greet one another in the name of the Lord and hear of the opportunities for connection and service.  We enhance our worship today by bringing our offerings to the Lord at this time.

And now we give our attention to the Word of the Lord and the message from the anointed Word of God!

I plan to close the message with a time of prayer and ask the worship team to come and lead us in a song of commitment to the Lord!

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