Saturday, September 6, 2014

Preparing for worship - September 7 2014 Youth Sunday at NRN!

This morning at NRN is a church work day to prepare  the classrooms for the expected growth of the children's ministry.  God is bringing new families to our church every week.  It is time to prepare for season of growth at NRN! 

I am away on our annual family vacation.  Vacation is always an important time for me to escape the pressures of ministry and enjoy time with Sharron and our family.  Tomorrow at NRN our youth pastor - Jordan Unfried will lead the worship and preach for Youth Sunday! This is Pastor Jordan's first preaching opportunity since becoming a new dad.  I hope you will support him big time! 

We make our plans -
   but God has the last word.... 

We begin with a welcome and opening prayer led by Pastor Jordan.  then we lift our voices in a time of awesome worship and loud singing to the Lord.  Worship the Lord with your whole heart today!

Greet one another in the Name of the Lord.  Look around for those who are with us for the first time and make them feel welcomed! 

Now hear the Word of the Lord as Pastor Jordan brings the message. 

At the close of his message - you will hear the invitation and call to communion. 

Prepare your hearts to come to the Table of the Lord.

As the time of worship draws to a close we will present our offerings to the Lord in gratitude and thanks giving!   We sing as we worship the Risen Lord!  Now let us depart form this place to live our lives to the praise of  God's glory! 

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