Saturday, October 4, 2014

Preparing for Worship at NRN on October 5, 2014

Tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene is going to be awesome day!  As we celebrate the Presence of the Lord on this first Sunday of October we gather for communion and the beginning of a new teaching series. Come to church with your mind and spirit prepared to meet with God. I am very excited about our time together and have a message from the Lord to share.  Think of a friend who may need to hear from God and invite them to join you tomorrow! 

We make our plans - but God has the last word!

I plan to share a short passage of scripture and lead us in a prayer to dedicate our time to the Lord.  Then we sing loud - these great songs to focus our attention upon the Lord!  

Now we pause to greet one another in the name of the Lord and hear about opportunities for fellowship and ministry.  As we present our financial offerings to the Lord may it be a demonstration of faith. 

Now we pause again to prepare our hearts for communion. 

 We lift a song of testimony to the Lord: 

A New Teaching Series begins:

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