Saturday, November 29, 2014

Preparing for worship on November 30 2014 - The First Sunday of Advent

As we prepare for worship at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene on the first Sunday of Advent 2014 - it is important to realize that the most wonderful time of the year is upon us.

I am very psyched to begin this new teaching series for the remainder of the calendar year.

 Invite your friends to join you as we discover the need to pause and embrace the message of Christmas this year.

Here is the planned order of worship for tomorrow:

When the countdown comes to a close we plan to extend a warm welcome to everyone present and invite them to stand in worship to our Great God as we sing a familiar song of the season:

As this song concludes we will be seated for the lighting of the first candle of Advent.  The candle of HOPE.  Then we stand again to sing:

We now go before the Lord in prayer as an act of faith and trust.  We are excited about the opportunities to gather for fellowship and service during this month.  We hear the announcements to remind us that each of us play a vital role in the life and vitality of our ministry.  Now we bring our offerings to the LORD!

Now the preaching of God's Word in this new teaching series for the remainder of this calendar year.

Today’s Message: 
       “The Pause for Hope - Mary”
Luke 1:26-38

When you look at the next few weeks leading up to Christmas, what do you see? Do you see stress and busyness, a list that needs to be checked off, parties that need to be attended, presents that need to be bought? Are you getting exhausted just thinking about December? 

If so, you need to press “pause.” We need to pause and really experience what Christmas is all about. And it is about preparing our hearts to welcome Jesus. How do you need to prepare your heart for Christmas? 

Tomorrow, we look at the pause for hope in the life of Mary. Mary’s hope is our hope: A hope rooted in promise we believe. A hope strengthened by testimony from others that we watch for. A hope that is sweetened by the adversity that we endure. And a hope still to be realized, for which we wait.

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