Thursday, January 29, 2015

Perfect examples of how to love thy neighbor.

With identify theft on the rise, losing your wallet is terrifying. That’s exactly how Bruce Rylant felt when he found his missing.

After a long, hard day, Rylant stopped to fill up on gas. When he finally got home, he noticed it was gone.

When he talked to WIS-TV, he admitted he “must have actually put my wallet on top of the car, on the trunk, and drove off without thinking about it.”

Despite feeling “panicked”, Rylant took definitive action. He canceled all his credit cards, got a new license and resigned to the loss of his $305 cash.

But then a godsend.

Rylant found a small package in his mailbox a week later from Mr. N. Cummings from Sparta, Georgia. In the package was his wallet – miraculously untouched. But there was also a note.

Mr.. Cummings note was this:

“3 Scriptural reason I am moved to do this. Please read them for yourself.

 Luke 10:27

 Luke 16:10

 Psalms 83:18

 You’re welcome.”

If you reference your Bible, you’ll find Mr. Cummings’ reasons.

– Luke 10:27: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

 – Luke 16:10: that those who can be trusted with little can also be trusted with much.

– Psalms 83:18: “Let them know that you, whose name is the LORD- that you alone are the Most High over all the earth.”

Rylant was overwhelmed by this act of Christian generosity. He had to return the favor.
As a token of thanks for this neighborly kindness, Rylant sent a $305 gift card to Mr. Cummings using the return address.

These two acts of good are perfect examples of how to love thy neighbor.

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