Friday, January 16, 2015

What's the big deal about church planting?

What's the big deal about church planting?

If you are interested in approaching church planting - here is a special opportunity for you. - 

The last week of this month we are hosting a significant event at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene.  Recently the Church of the  Nazarene and the Wesleyan Church entered into a partnership with DCPI - Dynamic Church Planting International. 

The training material provided by DCPI will assist churches to plant churches across North America. In North Carolina  - our goal is to see a Church of the Nazarene in every one of the 100 counties in our state by 2025. 
This 10 year goal is possible if every pastor and ever church consider their role in church planting.   

DCPI has perfected a method based upon Biblical Principals that has resulted in the planting of over 2 million churches around the world! It is an honor to join in partnership with them in bringing this training and movement of God to North America. 

 For specific information about DCPI – check out their web site  HERE  

The DCPI training consists of three segments:

 CPE – Church Planting Essentials is a 21 hour training to assist potential church planters and pastors wanting to assist in church planting to understand the Biblical outline for planting a church.  The training deals with developing a launch team, building a process of discipleship and developing a time line for the steps in planting a church.

CPC – Churches Planting Churches  is a 21 hour training to assist every pastor in understanding the Biblical principles of church planting; helping your church develop a vision for church planting and the steps to lead your church into planting churches.

CT – Certified Training is designed to equip you in teaching the materials of the segments listed above.  You will learn the DCPI reporting process and steps that need to be taken for you to be certified as an teacher and the steps to become a Master Teacher to certify others who what to help perpetuate the training process throughout our district! 

Already several pastors from North Carolina have registered for this event. 
We also have trainers and other pastors registered from other states including, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington. 

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