Sunday, February 1, 2015

Footbal Sunday at NRN - even for the non - football person.

Today at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene we had a great time of worship featuring communion and lifting our voices in praise to our Great God.  Then we did something quite different - we took part in a Football Sunday 2015:

This evening we gather for a time of fun - food and football.  We begin with our annual chili and soup cook-off.  Others are bringing chicken wings - meat balls - and desserts. We will watch the game on the big screens and plan to have a great time. 

One big draw to watch the game has absolutely nothing to do with football.  For all of you who are non-football people - enjoy some great commercials:

The XEROX Monks 1977 Super Bowl commercial:

One of the famous Coca-Cola commercial in history featuring Mean Joe Green in 1979:

Clint Eastwood Super Bowl Commercial 2012 Chrysler     It's Halftime in America:

And a couple we will see this evening:

Hope you will come and laugh with us this evening at our annual chili and soup cook-off!

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