Saturday, June 27, 2015

Preparing for worship on June 28 2015

My heart is overflowing with praise to our Lord for a wonderful District  Assembly!  On Friday morning I went to the altar and cried out to the Lord and experienced a spiritual break through!  I will not speak about it - but you may see it in my life! 

As we gather tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene we will bring our food for the Annual Picnic Lunch following worship. Sharron and I will be going to the church today to clean on the cleaning team - then Sharron will be preparing a delicious Taco Salad; her famous baked beans (with three types of beans and bacon) and a surprise dish she will be baking.  Come to church ready for a n awesome day! 

Here is the planned order of worship for tomorrow:

Following the five minute countdown clip - we will stand and begin to sing our praise unto the Lord in a loud voice!

The version we will sing is arranged by George Williamson 

We will gather around the tables in the worship center.  Today we take an extended time to pray and cry out to God for His presence and His glory to fall upon us! 

We conclude out time of prayer with a declaration together in song:

We continue in worship by presenting unto God a portion that He has given unto us.   We need a great offering on Sundays to meet our growing deficit from an extremely low offering last week.   Let us be generous today as we give. 

Today we begin a new four part teaching series.  Everyone has a story! Positive stories you’re proud to tell.  Others you’d rather not.

Seemingly small, insignificant decisions result in life altering directions.

 Decisions you make today determine the story you’ll tell tomorrow. How do we live the story we want to tell? Live a story worth telling? Let God help write your story!

 On this day of fun and fellowship the first message is about deciding what to start. 

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