Saturday, August 8, 2015

Preparing for an awesome time with The Lord our God in worship at NRN!

Tomorrow will be another great day of worship and celebration of the presence of God with us!  Last Sunday at the close of our time together a frequent guest asked me a great question:  Pastor - when will you begin to put more chairs out in the worship center - we were almost full today!  I shared with him that I am following a simple church leadership plan that when we reach 80% of the chairs full - we will be adding more chairs.  I believe that day is drawing near! 

Already, I am aware of at least  3 families present last Sunday that will be out of town and not with us tomorrow - but I am confident that God is at work building His church and we will once again welcome first time guest to church.  Over the past 3 Sundays I have prepared gifts for first time guest and each week we deplete the gift bags we prepared. God is moving and doing something awesome at our church.  I encourage you not to miss it - and invite that person you have been meaning to call to join you tomorrow. 

Here is the order of worship we have prepared for tomorrow:

The five minute countdown will conclude and I plan to bring a Scriptural call to worship - to focus our attention upon our Great God! 

We will stand and sing with great passion:

Followed by a time of greeting one another - and hearing the announcements of special events and opportunities for connection.  Then we begin a worship set that will draw us nearer to the Lord:

We draw near to the Lord in prayer....

As we bring our tithes and offerings to the Lord we accompany our giving with a song to sing to the Lord:

"You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain."
                                                                      Exodus 20:7

We don't name God; God reveals His name to us. We do not have the right to exercise authority over God... God copyrights, He trademarks, He patents His name." He allows us to use His name only under certain conditions. Tomorrow I will share 4 ways we take the Lord's Name in vain.   

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