Monday, September 21, 2015

Additional thoughts on the Eighth Commandment - You shall not steal!

You shall not steal.  Exodus 20:15 NIV
The eighth commandment is not about cheating on your taxes. Oh sure, that is a sin, and the commandment applies there, too, but if you limit God’s instruction to theft of property, then you have diminished the word of God.
We are rising a generation of takers! We have developed into a society that steals from each other. For example, I go to my children’s school and there are three parents at the office waiting for the principal so they can complain about their child not making the team. I stand in the line at the grocery store and everyone is looking for the quickest line. No one is trying to let someone else through first. I ask someone to do me a favor and they reply, “What’s in it for me?”
We spend more time shopping sales for the best bargains for more stuff we don’t need than we do planning how we can give to world missions. We save and save our money so that when we see someone in need we can buy ourselves the latest flat screen TV. We budget our tithe after we see if we can meet our current obligations. We never worry about issues of money until our wallet is affected. We tend to give out of our wealth, never out of our poverty.
Can you relate?
Remember, Jesus looks beyond our actions straight to our heart. He considers our motivation. Let me ask you, what does He see? Does He see a heart with no desire for personal gratification, looking out for a neighbor before yourself? Does He see someone who desires to give more than receive?
I can’t see your heart, only you and God can, so examine yourself today. Do you find, like I found when examining my heart that you need to grow your heart in the area of giving?
You shall not steal! Become a GIVER today!

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