Saturday, September 19, 2015

Preparing for worship at NRN on Sept 20

As we prepared for worship tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene - it is going to be a great day to gather on the Lord's Day! Our guest speaker today is Rev. John Kelley.  John and his wife Mary are faithful attendees of NRN. John is an ordained minister in the Free Methodist Church and previously served as a District Superintendent in that denomination. He currently is the Teacher of the Community Bible Study which consist of over 100 adults and meets in our facility each Thursday evening.  You will enjoy Pastor John as he continues in the teaching series on the Ten Commandments.  Pastor Rick continues on his annual family vacation. 

Here is the order of worship we have planned:

Pastor Jordan will begin our worship with a time of prayer and a warm welcome to all in attendance - then we stand to sing....

There is one commandment that, if followed by all of humanity, would instantly create a peaceful world: Do not steal. The Eighth Commandment implicitly prohibits murder (stealing a life), slavery (stealing a person's freedom), adultery (stealing a spouse), humiliation (stealing dignity), and so many other sins laid out in the Bible.  If there is one Commandment that summarizes the other nine, this one is it.

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