Saturday, December 5, 2015

Preparing for the worship on the Second Sunday of Advent 2015

Tomorrow is the second Sunday of Advent.  I hope you will invite someone to join you for church tomorrow and especially that YOU will be coming to church tomorrow. Do not miss this important message.

Each week the heading on the order of worship for the worship and media team has these words:
"We make out plans - but God has the last word."    Here is the planned order of worship - but we always wait upon the LORD and the leading of the Holy Spirit!

We begin with a welcome and then draw our attention to the lighting of the candles on the Advent Wreath.

Now we turn our worship of the LORD with a time of singing and offering praise to our Great King!

We continue in our worship by sharing together in communion. Prepare your heart to come the Table of the LORD.

Part 2: I’m Freezing!       

Jesus said that, “the love of most will grow cold…”                             Matthew 24:12b

We live in a cold world. All you have to do is take a look around our world and it’s obvious that Jesus knew what He was talking about. The love of most really has gone cold. 

But this isn’t just true of our world. When you take a look around the church, you see that this statement is still true. The love of most will grow cold. It’s not just true in our world. The tragedy is that it’s true in the church as well.

We bring our time together by bringing our tithes and offering to the LORD. I hope during the last month of 2015 you will consider your year end giving. This is the time to bring our offerings up to date for the year; and consider a year end gift to the local church.

As we depart we will provide you an opportunity to present an benevolence offering to assist those of our church family who need assistance. Over the past few months we have assisted members of our church family with rent, utility bills, funeral expense and referred others to North Raleigh Ministries for food and other help.  It is a good thing to help others as we have need. 

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