Saturday, February 6, 2016

Preparing for Sunday February 7 at NRN - FOOTBALL SUNDAY!

Tomorrow at NRN could be a life changing day for some who attend church at NRN!  We are preparing for our second annual FOOTBALL SUNDAY!

The presentation on Sunday celebrates the increase of Christ and the decrease of self (John 3:30) in the lives of NFL players, who as a group, are simultaneously elevated by our culture as heroes and sometimes pointed out as villains. We will hear from guys on both super Bowl Teams, in interviews not available anywhere else, about who the real hero is: JESUS!  

I have prayed and asked God to have someone cross my daily path each day that I could invite to church for this Sunday.  At this posting I have invited a person each day to church.  The first person I invited was a random meeting with a person in a parking lot.  We entered into a friendly conversation and I invited him to church. I handed him an invitation card with the worship time and location of our church. When I told him about Football Sunday and how he could hear an NFL player share their testimony that would be heard for the first time at our church on Sunday, he looked at me and smiled then aid.” You are the best fishermen I have ever met. You hooked me, drew me. You can plan to see me on Sunday at 10:45 at your church.”

Who have you invited to church for this Sunday?

Here is the order of worship we have planned for our time together: 

We welcome you today to FOOTBALL SUNDAY at NRN!   Let us stand and sing our praises to the LORD!

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