Sunday, March 6, 2016

Everybody needs an Encounter with God

Imagine your in a restaurant where the lighting is poor.
And you drop or spill some food on your shirt, blouse or tie.
You take some water and a napkin and try to wipe it off and think you’ve got it.

In the dim light of the restaurant, you think you’ve taken care of the problem.

But later on, you get home and the lighting is better, you see the problem is still there.

The original stain is still there, and there are all other stains caused by you trying to fix it.

Without proper light, without proper vision we end up making the problem worse!

That’s why we need to encounter the Lord in His perfect light.

We must encounter God with an open heart.

We must encounter God with a desire to be changed.

Many people resist changing! 

They refuse to admit they need to change!

So they only have an emotional encounter with God from time to time but they continue to live, talk, and act the same way they always did.

Encountering Gods presence should make us sensitive, open, willing to be different!
Let me close with this verse from 

2 Chronicles 7:14 God is speaking to his people:
“If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear form Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”

Do you want to Encounter God?

From our Catholic friends:

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