Friday, April 1, 2016

I highly recommend you see this movie today!

Today a new movie premieres in local theaters:

In GOD’S NOT DEAD 2, attorney Tom Endler fights a valiant, yet completely uphill battle to defend the religious liberties of Grace Wesley. At one point in her trial, he powerfully declares:
“If a Christian’s right to believe is subordinate to all other beliefs, than it’s not a right at all!”
In this day and age, proclaiming your faith in Christ is a complete negative … unless, of course, you’re trying to become President. Then, somehow, that becomes handy. But that’s another story for another day.
Christians are being killed for their faith around the world. We now have learned the Secretary of State needs additional insights and studies done before he’ll declare that the methodical killing of Christians by Islamic forces is actually genocide.
According to a recent article on CNS News, Secretary John Kerry said, “I have asked for some further evaluation. And I will make a decision on this. And I will make a decision on it as soon as I have that additional evaluation and we will proceed forward from there.”
Please pray regularly for believers around the world who are at risk. 
Please pray for politicians and officials. And then make your decision: Where Will You Stand?

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