Monday, July 25, 2016

A church Where I Belong

Yesterday at Gastonia First Wesleyan Church was awesome!  I had the opportunity to welcome six new families and several joined us for the carry in meal to welcome Sharron and me. As the meal was being served I enjoyed walking around the room and meeting new people and expressing my appreciation for them being in church.  When I finally walked down the food line and filled my plate with delicious food I was so thankful for those who served us to prepare the tables with an abundance of food.  I am confident everyone there enjoyed the time together.

I raised my hand in worship as we sang one of my favorite songs: Mighty to Save.  
Thought I would post it again:

I was so thankful for the group of children and adult sponsors who shared a song this morning in church to provide for all of us a taste of VBS.  It was great and I was so happy for the applause that encouraged the children.  

Many of them have left or will be leaving for the Kid's Camps this week.

I shared a clip this morning to help us dismiss the reasons people give for not coming to church.

Think about who you plan to invite this week and be sure to make that call, send that email or better yet - personally invite them to church and to sit with you this week.  Now is the time to seize the moment to come meet the NEW PASTOR.  Soon I will not be that new anymore....

Here is the clip I promised:

As I stood at the front following the dismissal and the prayer for the meal to follow, I watched people head for the food line with great anticipation. Several people came to front to speak to me. A man came with his outline and had missed a point on the screen.  I gave him the answer for the blank on his outline and he shared how much he appreciated the message and loved the "teaching" outlines I provide each week.  Then a lady shared with me that she had visited the church before, but had decided to go to another church. She then began to share, with tears in her eyes, that she did not feel like she belonged there.  No one spoke to her - she was just one of regular attenders. Then she smiled at me and said, "God spoke to me this morning and told me this is my new church home.  I want to be a part, I want to find a place to serve, I sense God is here and I want to make this my new church home."  I prayed with her and took her first time guest card and promised to call her this week!  I believe God has brought her to our church - the church where she belongs! 

God is at work at Gastonia First Wesleyan Church! 

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