Sunday, December 25, 2016

What is more important than remembering "God is with us" on the Lord's Day?

Today is Christmas.  Our family tradition is simple and probably similar to many other families.  The young children wake up early with great anticipation. Personally, I set my alarm early to be up and ready to face the excitement of the morning.  The children are restricted to an area away from the Christmas Tree. 

 When everyone is awake and ready - we gather as a family to hear the reading of the Christmas narrative from the Gospel of Luke.  Then a short prayer of thanks to the Lord. Then a loud rendition of Happy Birthday to Jesus is sung!  

Now the adults make their way downstairs to be near the Christmas tree. The children wait (impatiently) upstairs.  With cameras and recorders ready - the children are invited to join us.  This begins a time of opening gifts, laughter and excitement. 

Following the time of giving and receiving presents, placing all the gift wrap in large black trash bags, and finally catching our breaths; we prepare for a morning breakfast.  

This is be how we celebrate this morning. Then - something unique....

This year Christmas is on a Sunday.  Many churches will not have worship today and encourage families to enjoy their time together.  I do not criticize that decision. 

I do feel that in our culture today the holiday of Christmas is taking on other meanings, but what is more important than remembering "God is with us" on the Lord's Day?  I will be preaching this morning at the 11:00am worship experience at First Wesleyan Church in Gastonia NC.  I invite you to join us if you live in the area. 

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