Monday, January 9, 2017

Goal Setting: SMART

Last week I posted about whether a church should make goals. This is beyond simply making plans.  However, a goal without a plan is simply an idea or at best a dream.  I think the best type of goals we can make for 2017 and beyond for First Wesleyan Church in Gastonia will be smart goals!

The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Managing for Results

SMART goals are:

Specific–Goals need to be as specific as possible. When setting goals they should answer questions related to who, what, where, when, why and how. Instead of saying, “I want to lose weight,”
 try for a specific goal such as I will lose 20 pounds by next Christmas.”

Measurable — Goals must be measurable. If a goal cannot be measured how could you assess whether or not you are making progress? “I’m going to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day
 3-5 days per week” is much more measurable than, “I’m going to exercise more.”

Attainable — You cannot achieve what you don’t believeEach goal should be something that you believe you can accomplish. Setting goals that seem unattainable is a recipe for failure.

Relevant — Goals should be relevant to you and your current life situation. Does it fit with your personality? Is this something you should be doing now or later?  Would doing this add to your life
in a positive way?

Time-bound — Setting a due date or time frame for completion helps both helps keep you on track and keeps your goals measurable. Having time-bound goals helps you monitor and assess your progress. Instead of stating, “I want to make a six-figure income,” 
try saying “I want to be making six figures five years from now.”

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