Sunday, January 29, 2017

Today's Mission Moment: Dr. Phil and Becky Davis

Today at First Wesleyan Church in Gastonia we shared our first Missions Moment to focus on a partnership with a ministry couple who serve in our Global Ministry.

Today’s focus was for: Dr. Phil and Becky Davis

Phil and Becky Davis are long-term missionaries with Global Partners, serving since 1998—first in Suriname in South America, and then in Belgium. Their current assignment takes them to the Philippines to teach at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary in Manila. This seminary provides a graduate-level education to pastors from various denominations throughout Asia and the Pacific. The Davises’ purpose in ministry is to “equip his people for works of service” by providing theological education and leadership development.

So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up (Ephesians 4:11-12 NIV).

Here is the most recent prayer request:
Thank you for your prayers regarding our Papua New Guinea leaders. Andy and Ninde are in communication with the seminary about studying here. Please pray that sufficient financial resources will be made available for them (both from the PNG and Global Partners sides).
Becky and I would covet your prayers, as well, for the courses we're teaching in the upcoming Spring semester. Becky will be teaching a course on worship and theology again this year, and I will be teaching a couple of courses on ethics and the current postmodern condition and its effects on Asian culture(s).
Plans continue to move forward for teaching in an unnamed country. Becky will accompany me, and she will be doing some teaching, as well. Pray for safety and effectiveness when we go.
Finally, I'm writing a book on postmodern culture and how it affects the church. I offer a story of how the culture changed in the West and how it impacts us all. The intended audience are pastors and lay people in the Church. Your prayers for the writing would be most appreciated.
Thanks for being a part of this ministry. Greetings, once again, from the Philippines!

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