Saturday, February 11, 2017

Preparing for worship at First Wesleyan Church - Gastonia - Mission

Yesterday I asked a simple question on the Facebook page of our church:

Why would you NOT invite someone to church?

I am already aware that there will be several people away from church tomorrow. The beaches of NC are calling – the beautiful Mountains beckoned their call and others will enjoy the comforts of bed in the am.

I am excited about church tomorrow at First Wesleyan Church of Gastonia NC. I have already walked the worship center and placed my hands on each pew to pray the Lord’s Presence upon our time together tomorrow.

Tomorrow may be a life changing day for some who are at church.  Who will YOU bring with you? 

Here is the order of worship we have planned - We make our plans, but God has the last word! 

We begin with a welcome and then stand to sing unto the Lord

We now pause for some announcements and bringing our tithes and offerings to the Lord. The choir will present a special entitled:

Take Now My Voice

It is now time for our Missions Moments as we feature Tome and Grace Ensz - Missionaries to Brazil, South America. 

We continue singing in worship:

Hear the Word of the Lord!

Here is a little thought to prepare for tomorrow: 

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