Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Birthday reflections 2018

Today I celebrated my 63rd birthday!  Over the past few weeks I have struggled with points of depression and I cling to the Lord and trust God for our future. Sharron and I are once again in transition in ministry. My faith is strong and I am in the WORD every day. Each night I go to bed with a clean heart and clear mind focused on the goodness of God.

Here are some of my favorite reflections from today:

                                                       With my grandchildren!   

(Cammie on my lap, Breeley to my right, Jordan behind her, Jayden to my right (my oldest grand daughter) and Alyse ( my first born grand daughter) behind her.)

Singing "Happy Birthday" to me as I viewed the banana pudding for dessert.  

The inside of the homemade card from Alyse. 
This brought my first tears on my birthday morning. 

I am Blessed! 

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