Friday, February 16, 2018

Pastoral Transition: A Very Personal Note

As I sit at my desk and begin typing on my laptop to post this to my blog my heart is heavy and tears are in my eyes. This ministry transition is tough!

Yesterday I met with a pastoral friend as I once again told the story of our transition from the church I have served for the last 18 months. 

It gave my comfort as that pastor looked at me and agreed that the most emotion I have is sorrow as we depart the ministry that God lead us to in the Spring of 2016. It was a time of prayer and fasting as Sharron and I sought God's will in our life and ministry. As we came to this church it came with a deep commitment that this could be our ministry location for several years. 

The release of ministry at this church took place the day of the pastoral vote and the results were shared with us. We now seek God's will as we sit patiently in God's Waiting Room. 

Last evening there were more tears as we sit in the home of good friends who played a major role in bringing us to Gastonia. The prayers for us and the words of encouragement were needed. We know that God is in control.  This is a first in 42 years of ministry that a church has given us such a short time to depart and within a few weeks our financial security disappears. God is speaking to us through His WORD and we are praying throughout each day. Our faith is strong because our God is strong. 

Thank you for your prayers. Resumes are being sent out almost daily. I am making every effort to put my name "out there" for God to secure our future. 

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