Thursday, February 1, 2018

Sitting in God's Waiting Room

On Sunday January 28th the Covenant Members of First Wesleyan Church in Gastonia, NC conducted the pastoral vote for the renewal of call for Pastor Rick Hudgens. (I thought it would be easier to say it this way.)  Here is the print of the front page of the February Newsletter of the church:

Dear First Wesleyan Family,

After last Sunday's (January 28) pastoral vote, I met with Pastor Rick and the local board of administration to discuss and set up a transition plan. As a result of those discussions, Pastor Rick has agreed to complete his service as Pastor of the church effective immediately. Pastor Todd Reynolds, our Assistant District Superintendent, will serve as Supply Pastor through Easter Sunday.  The local board of administration is working to cover the various areas of need and it is our prayer that the coming days will be a time of healing for all. I encourage you to increase the amount of time you spend in prayer for the church and also your service to and support of the church.

The focus of the coming weeks will be for healing and strengthening of the church. At a future point, a search will commence for the next Pastor and at that time the congregation will be kept informed of the progress by regular updates.
                                                                                                 Rev. Jerry Lumston
                                                                                                 District Superintendent

Sharron and I have been in prayer and seeking Godly advise as we sought God's direction and perfect will for our lives.  The vote was compelling and clearly God has released my call to pastor the church. We now sit in God's Waiting Room once again in our ministry life. Transitions are often difficult, but our faith is strong and we are in God's WORD each day drawing comfort from Him.   

Several people have come along side us encouraging us to rest in the Lord. That is what we are doing. 

 "A righteous man may have troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all."                                                                                                                 Psalms 34:19a

We thank you for your prayers. 

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