Monday, July 30, 2018

Top Questions That Pastors Ask - 4 Ways To Get The Word Out About ...

Here is another edition of The Church Playbook: 

I really hope you are drawing encouragement and help from these post. 
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"Marketing" isn't a bad word. In fact, much of what we see in the Gospels are large crowds being drawn to Jesus, simply because the word got out about who He was, and what He was doing! "Getting The Word Out"...That's all marketing is! In this video, I explain 4 ways you get promote your Church in the community for FREE (or relatively inexpensively). Hope it's helpful! By the way, Get Your Free Copy of The Church Playbook at The Church Playbook will jumpstart growth in your Church, and help you breakthrough one of the toughest barriers that every Church has to deal with. Let me give this book to you for FREE! Inside of The Church Playbook, I tell the story about how my Church went through some struggles in the early days of our Church Plant, but after applying the principles that I lay out in this book, we went from just a few families to over 200 in less than a year!

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