Thursday, August 9, 2018

Trump Spots Woman Faint During Rally

One of the more unfortunate parts about seeing President Trump live in person is the wait time.

The President is known for arriving at his rallies late, sometimes by more than an hour. And who can blame him? He’s the President of the United States after all. He has many priorities, some of which trump speaking to voters. The man’s got a country to keep safe!

But when Trump does make it on stage, you’re in for the time of your life. It’s clear that Trump is the master ad-libber, a guy who an extemporaneously speak for hours on end, engaging an audience in a way only an entertainer can.

A recent rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, was no exception. Trump gave a rip-roaring address, keeping the crowd clapping and on their feet all night.

There was one exception: one woman wasn’t able to stand on her feet all night. She actually fainted. Since she was close to the stage, President Trump noticed and took immediate action. Listen to his comforting words:

Source: By Jim E | 

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