Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Recently I have been blessed by friends to purchase me several free meals.  One that I remember fondly was several years ago when Sharron and I departed Monday morning for a few days of vacation and stopped at a Cracker Barrel Restaurant. 

When I asked for our check the server told us our bill was paid by a couple who had just left the restaurant.  Sharron and I hurried out the door to see a couple from our church and as we thanked them, they replied that they were attempting to live out the truths God revealed to them the day before as I preached.

I’m sure you’ve had that happen, too. You feel, “Man, that was so thoughtful and generous.”

It just feels good!

In response to His disciples’ request to teach them to pray,         Jesus prayed, Forgive us our debts . . . Matthew 6:12

God is willing to forgive me the moment I ask
God is willing to forgive me every time


He picked up the tab.
He covered the cost.
He said, “give Me the bill”.

The Bible says . . .

“God has purchased our freedom with His blood…”                                                                       Colossians 1:14a 

“All of us have sinned … yet now God declares us ‘not guilty’ of offending Him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who FREELY takes away our sins.”                                       Romans 3:23-24

FREELY . . . I’ve got to tell you . . . I love free stuff. And when it comes to the forgiveness of my sins . . . it’s a good thing I don’t have to pay. I COULD NOT IN A MILLION YEARS afford it.

Freely means . . .

I don’t BUY my forgiveness – “Thank you Jesus, I’ll start reading my Bible more.”

I don’t BARGAIN my forgiveness – “Jesus, if You forgive me, I promise I’ll start going to church every week!”

I don’t BRIBE for my forgiveness – “Jesus, if you just forgive me for this one more time, I promise . . . ”

I don’t BEG for my forgiveness “Please, Jesus, pretty please . . . I’m on my knees begging you!”

Here is a verse worth memorizing and reminding yourself of often.

“For it is by God’s grace that you have been saved, through faith.  It is not your own doing, but God’s gift. There is nothing to boast of, since it is not the result of your own efforts.”                                                                          Ephesians 2:8-9

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