Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Lord's Prayer Part 2

Today I continue in my mini series about the Lord's Prayer.

“ . . . Hallowed be Your name”                           Matthew 6:9

I remember when my daughters were little, and we would wrestle. It might be around bedtime and I would say, “Ok girls, it’s time to get in bed. No more wrestling.” And they would say, “No, let’s keep wrestling,” and they would go at it again. “NO,” I said, with a little more emphasis, “it’s time for bed.” Would they listen? Not a chance. They would keep at it. That’s when I would have to give them THE SERIOUS DAD LOOK so that they knew I meant business.

Our Father in heaven desires a personal relationship with us, but we should never mistake that as a casual or flippant relationship. After all, He is God. He is to be revered, honored, sanctified, and set apart. He is not to be ignored!

We always need to remember who He is and who we are. It is precisely because of who God is that we can trust Him.

Just know today that you can completely trust God because of His character. You’ve heard the phrase, “It’s a name you can trust!” It so true isn’t it? I’ll prove it to you.

Would you trust Saddaam Hussein? Not likely!
Would you trust Kim Jong-il? I doubt it!
Would you trust Billy Graham? Absolutely!
What about Mother Teresa? Sure

My guess is you never got to meet any of these people personally, yet you agree you would or would not trust them. Why? Because of their name! The mere mention of their name reveals their character. They have established a reputation for themselves.

Why can we trust God? Because through His name He has proven He is trustworthy. He is reliable. He is dependable. He can be counted on.

Hold on to this promise and let it carry you through life.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”                        Psalm 20:7

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