Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Lord's Prayer Part 4

Lately, I’ve been posting some thoughts from The Lord’s Prayer and most recently focusing in on the names of God and the things for which we can trust Him.

I can trust Him . . .

To meet my needs because He is Jehovah Jireh . . . God is my provider.

To heal my hurts because He is Jehovah Rophe . . . God is my healer.

To guide my life because He is Jehovah Rohi . . . God is my shepherd.

To give me victory because He is Jehovah Nissi . . . God is my banner.

I need to trust Him for so many things and another one is . . .

To give me rest. And He can because He is JEHOVAH SHALOM . . . GOD IS MY PEACE.

The whole world is in a state of unrest. Threats of terrorist attacks on the world’s stage . . .  danger, it seems wherever you go in the city where you live . . . people angry on the highway and expressing it thought road rage . . . and unrest often in your very home with relational discord.

My guess is, some rest . . . some quiet . . . peace of mind would be welcomed in your life right about now. The big problem is however, this world will always be in a state of unrest. Jesus, Himself, said . . .

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 

He also said, 

The peace I give you, it isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives. So, don’t be troubled, don’t be afraid. John 14:27

Here’s the difference: 

The world’s peace is based on circumstances. God’s peace is based on His character. Circumstances change all the time. God’s character never changes.

The fact is, real peace is not the absence of conflict. That will most likely never happen in this world. Real peace is having calm assurance in the midst of the conflict all around us. 

So, be at peace today. Rest in God today. And be an ambassador of His peace today.

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