Monday, October 8, 2018

Exchange Pt 4

Not a person alive can say they are without guilt. We’ve all blown it . . . struggled with something . . . or done something wrong. We’re all guilty! 🤦‍♂️

"The person who keeps every law of God but makes one little slip is just as guilty as the person who has broken every law there is."           James 2:10

Sometimes that guilt is so heavy we agree with David in the Old Testament when he said, "My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear."                                                                                           
😭       Psalm 38:4

What is guilt? Think of it as a warning light . . . an alarm.
🔊  It tells us something is wrong. Something needs to be fixed. Something needs to be changed.

Unfortunately, there is false guilt, too, that comes from things like . . .

Living in the past

Lies we tell ourselves

Listening to haters

Living for the approval of others

And unfortunately, there are inappropriate ways we deal with it . . .

Blame 😠


Go into hiding 🏃‍♂️

God has a better way . . . Exchange the GUILT for GRACE?

What is grace? In this context I’d say this: Grace is God giving to me what I don’t deserve, FORGIVENSS, so I can experience what I long for, FREEDOM from guilt. My word of warning . . . don’t presume on God’s grace. While God does save us from the condemnation of our wrong doing, He does not necessarily rescue us from the consequences.

So, RELAX in God’s grace

Realize no one is perfect. We all fall short.

Enjoy God’s unconditional love

Let God handle things

Accept God’s forgiveness 

eXchange my perfectionism for God’s perfect peace

The essence of grace is this: GOD IS FOR YOU!

So, make the exchange.

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