Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Happy Birthday to Sharron!!


Happy Birthday to Sharron!!

I want to be sure and express my love for Sharron. God brought her into my life when I was a youth pastor at a church in Charlotte, NC. I had just graduated from college. Sharron had just earned her RN degree and was recruited by a hospital in Charlotte. It was almost love at first sight. We began to date within days after meeting and were married five months later. That was the summer of 1978. God blessed us with twin daughters in November 1980 as we began our family. We departed Charlotte in 1981 to move to the Northern Virginia area. Our ministry took us to Marion, IN; Sturgis MI; Topeka, KS; Raleigh, NC and Gastonia, NC. 


This coming June we will celebrate 43 years of marriage. God has truly blessed us and we are so thankful for the family and provisions of God in our life. 

On Sharron’s birthday I once again want to express my deep love and admiration for her. Here is a favorite picture of us:

In 2018 I changed my category of service with the Wesleyan Church to Retired Minister. We relocated to Indian Trail, NC to move into a house owned by our daughter Stephanie and her husband Joshua.  We now live near Danielle and Stephanie and we enjoy seeing our five grandchildren on a regular basis. 

With the COVID Pandemic we were diagnosed with the virus on the Wednesday before Christmas and spent the next ten day quarantined in our home.  It was a mild case for each of us and each of us have received both our vaccine shots.  We are loving life!

Happy Birthday Sharron - I love you!

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