Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Today, Sharron and I celebrate 43 years of marriage.


Today, Sharron and I celebrate 43 years of marriage.  On this date in 1978 we stood before family and friends to vow our love for one another. Throughout the years, our marriage has been through the fire; celebrated mountain top experiences; and our love has grown deeper and deeper. 

Sharron is my best friend, my partner in life, my love, my compass, my wife.  I love her deeply and cannot imagine life without her. The past few years as we entered the twilight years of our lives is filled with the blessings of God. God is so faithful. 

Here is a short pictorial directory of the day we were married... enjoy

Sharron and I were married in an evening ceremony at St. Paul Wesleyan Church in Charlotte NC.


The day following our wedding we traveled with Sharron's family to Canada for a big family reception. A wonderful honeymoon followed as we visited the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Then trips to Toronto and then Dundalk, Ontario Canada, 

Today,  I give thanks for Forbis and Raynita Kivett for their love and dear friendship  for these many years.  Pastor Forbis presented us this date 43 years ago as Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hudgens 

I am so thankful for our daughters Danielle Bolder and Stephanie vanAlmen who have brought so much joy in our lives.

I praise God for the Ministry God called me too and the churches I have pastored and served as DS.

Sharron and are more in love today than ever before.  We are loving our life and remain close to God. 


Sharron and I enjoyed a brunch this morning. We choose to take a selfie and place this picture on Facebook and my blog today.  

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