Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Cultural Incredulity


Forgive me. Indulge me. I can’t seem to get off the horse of cultural incredulity. In the words of our president, “Come on man!”

Speaking of our president, I can’t believe he would purposefully lie to us so I must assume he is being misinformed by his staff as to the contents of the new Georgia voting acts bill.  And I must also conclude that he is unfamiliar with Jim Crow laws since he compares that bill with those laws. And, if that’s not enough, some corporations are jumping on board and running with his football without realizing they are on a tennis court. A major airline, with whom you cannot fly without an ID, says that requiring an ID to vote is racist. Huh? We have been told that the new Georgia law forbids eating or drinking in line as you wait to vote. No one can bring you snacks! Actually, the law says no one can campaign or solicit you about their candidate with food and drink while you are in line. But, I digress. Truth is irrelevant in today’s culture.

I know I just wrote about this kind of unbelievable behavior, but I don’t know what to do! Some scholars are saying it’s too difficult to determine the gender of someone. (I wouldn’t recommend pursuing a science degree under their tutelage). I wonder, do they also assume the sun is no longer hot when the winter months arrive?  Interestingly enough, if someone claims to be Abraham Lincoln, Jesus, or whomever, we automatically perceive there may be some psychological issues at play. But, not so if they simply claim to be another gender. What?!

And racism…good grief. In today’s world, everything is labeled racist. From sheet music to band-aids, to, well, name it, it’s all racist. We love to label and hate rather than listen and help. You are either an oppressor or oppressed. No matter that you are neither, culture says you are and that is what matters…or does it? Those that resist racism are called racists and those that promote racism are deemed compassionate.

How long will we be led astray? How long will we buy into the most ludicrous and deceitful pronouncements? There are days I identify with the Psalmist when he said:

“How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart?”  Psalm 13:1

God has not abandoned us nor has His sovereignty been compromised. He is still Lord. We must be sure that we walk closely with Him and allow Him to give us discernment to sort out truth from deceit. Don’t believe everything you hear. Dig into it and discover what reality is.

Unfortunately, our nation seems to continually be in decline in terms of integrity and truthfulness. But we don’t have to be in decline personally. Seek Christ. Follow Him. Stay close to Him. Know Him. He will give us eyes to see and ears to hear the truth.

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”          John 16:13

Please…be listening.



From a Facebook posting by my friend: Tom Kinnan. 

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