Thursday, July 1, 2021



Canada Day, also known as Canada’s Birthday, is a nationally mandated holiday that celebrates the establishment of Canada as a country on July 1, 1867. It is a holiday that is not only celebrated all across the country, but also by Canadians worldwide.

On July 1, 1867, the British North America Act joined the colonies of the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick into one federation ;  Effectively, creating Canada as a sovereign nation under British rule. Originally, Great Britain reserved some of its political vestiges of the country for itself, but as the years went by these were eventually shed off; until 1982, when Canada achieved full sovereignty under the Constitution Act.

Today, it is celebrated in much the same way July 4th is celebrated in the United States. Many communities and individuals have barbecues, picnics, public displays of fireworks and parades. International celebrations are held throughout the world, with some of the more prominent ones being in Trafalgar Square in London, a celebration of hockey and food in New York’s Central Park and at Bund Beach in China by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.

Since my wife Sharron is still a Canadian Citizen we plan to celebrate this weekend with a Southern Style Hot Dogs and Hamburgers this coming weekend - but Sharron will probably call her brother to wish him and his family a Happy Canada Day! 

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