Thursday, August 12, 2021



The idea behind the concept of holiness is, "separation." To be holy is to be, “distinct!” To be holy is to be, “other … to be different in a special way.”


To be holy is to be, “set off to the side for God’s special purposes.” Obviously, holiness … in regard to our daily existence … is exactly what we are shooting for!


A life of holiness is God’s goal for each and every one of us. Is there any serious follower of Jesus who does not want to be separate from worldly enticements, distinct in our words and thoughts and different in regard to unconditional love for and patience with difficult people?


Who of us serious folk do not want to be totally set off to the side for God’s special purposes? The obvious answer to both of those questions is no and none!


I Peter 1:16 is very clear. God is speaking to His people through His written word to us. "Be holy, because I am holy."


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