Friday, August 27, 2021



The Shark

 I’m reminded of the time I was invited to a Bar-B-Q, at the ranch of this very wealthy Texan. He had a huge ranch, thousands and thousands of acres. And on the ranch he had a large, lighted swimming pool in which he kept a shark.


The Texan entertained regularly and sometime during the evening at every party he invited all the guests to the swimming pool. Then he offered this challenge, “If any of you will swim the length of this pool, I will give you one of three things: ten million dollars, half of my ranch, or the hand of my lovely daughter in marriage. But I must warn you; there is a shark in the pool.


Just as he finished saying this there was a big splash. And a man smartly dressed in his evening attire swam the length of the entire pool, chased by the shark. He made it to the end of the pool and climbed out just as the shark thudded into the wall.


“Congratulations,” said the Texan, “You are the first person who has ever done that.” Now what would you like? The ten millions dollars?” “No thank you,” said the man. “Would you like half of my ranch?” Again the man replied, “No thank you.” “Ah!” the Texan said, “You want the hand of my daughter in marriage!” Once more the man said. “No thank you.” “Well what do you want?” asked the Texan.

The man replied, “I want the name of the person who pushed me in!

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