Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Irrational Optimism

I have been reading a story about the building of a cathedral in the Middle Ages. Prior Philip, is a monk, looking for funds to build the cathedral. The decision to appear before the king is made.

When standing before him he will ask for the earldom of Shiring. Gaining the earldom would provide the necessary resources for the cathedral. “It was an incredible ambitious demand. But the idea was thrilling. He felt full of irrational optimism.”

The phrase, irrational optimism, leapt out at me. What a wonderful statement! Better yet, what a fantastic attitude. A leader ought to be a person of irrational optimism.

What is irrational optimism?

It is a willingness to ask, when a positive response seems unlikely
It is the decision to stand while everyone else sits
It is believing in the midst of unbelief
It is a spark in the dampness
It is deep seeded resolve
It is running with an idea, when the idea is all you have
It is seeing the unseen
It is investing in people who's risk-ratio is high
It is stepping ahead when others step back
It is one more…try, attempt, decision, swing, viewpoint…it is one more
It is the refusal to be dissuaded from a goal
It is a smile in adversity
It is a perspective that changes perception

Irrational optimism is ultimately a choice each of us makes. An irrational optimist is not one who ignores the hurdles. The hurdles are clear; they simply devise a way to navigate them. And if, in the process, a hurdle is hit, even the pain is viewed with keen appreciation. After all, pain is never a part of someone not engaged in life.

Let’s do it! Let’s each of us choose to be an irrational optimist.


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