Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A simple truth to live by: Amos 5:24


But let justice run down like water, And righteousness like a mighty stream.                               - Amos 5:24


Today's scripture is a difficult subject matter but one that remains vitally important even in our modern era. We are blessed to currently live in what's called the dispensation of grace.


Simply put the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has given all of us a spiritual time out from God's full righteous judgment.


The character of God has never changed, but the difference for today is he has allowed his great love for us to take the forefront so that more people can be reconciled to him with respect and pure thanksgiving instead of fear alone.


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction              - Proverbs 1:7


The fear of the Lord is still relevant and remains intact. The heart of this matter is all about our character.


If we are honest some of us talk a good game at times to those around us. God sees everything and nothing is hidden from his sight. We learn from Amos how Isreal was more concerned about being religious rather than pursuing a pure relationship with God.


God wants no part in this act of deception. His great love for us embraces our shortcomings and brokenness so that he can transform them into strength and godly character. If we truly desire to serve him we must abandon everything and allow him to work on us from within.


He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?                 - Micah 6:8


We all get discouraged and even angry as we see so much evil and injustice going on all around us and wonder why has God allowed it to continue.


We must remember that he has given everyone a free will to choose who we will serve. That does not mean he has lost control but it shows patience and resolve to give us the greatest opportunity to be reconciled back to him before time as we know it will run out.


As always it's my hope you will examine your own heart and consider his words in the scriptures as his personal love letter written to you.

For we walk by faith, not by sight.          - 2 Corinthians 5:7



Will you choose by faith to place your trust in them and experience for yourself the greatest love ever known?



 Source: Keith McGivern


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