Saturday, April 30, 2022

RICK'S RECIPES: Texas Road House Rolls and Butter

Texas Road House Rolls


These are easy to make too, the only hard part is waiting for the dough to rise a couple times. Waiting is boring. I decided to watch Sister Act II while the bread rose- and I can’t believe I just admitted that. Am I the only one who thinks that movie is awesome?  If anyone else can come forward with the same confession, you’d make my DAY.

The Copycat Texas Roadhouse honey butter is really easy to whip up too- and it goes perfectly with these rolls. And although the recipes makes 24 rolls, they last like… 2 days in our house. My husband pops them in like popcorn, and we already went over my bread and butter issues, so.

I did manage to give a few to my friend though- she’s preggers. I told her that they were buns for her oven. (God I’m funny.)


  • 2 tsp. active dry yeast
  • 1/4 c. warm water
  • 1 C. warm milk
  • 1 1/2 T melted butter
  • 1/4 C. plus 1 tsp. sugar
  • 3-4 C. all purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. salt

I used my bread machine dough setting to make this.

Combine water, yeast and 1 tsp. sugar and let sit till foamy, about 7 minutes. Add in warm milk, melted butter, 1 beaten egg, sugar, salt and then flour. I ended up using about 3 1/2 C. flour. Once dough setting is complete, remove and knead a few more times on a floured surface. Pinch off gold ball size pieces and flatten just a touch and place on greased cookie sheet. Allow to rise another hour and then bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until golden brown on top.




  • 2 sticks of butter, at room temperature
  • 1 c. powdered sugar
  • 1 c. honey
  • 2 tsp. ground cinnamon


Whip the butter so it’s nice and creamy.
This is where the room temperature part makes things easier)

Add the powdered sugar and mix it all in. Then add the honey and the cinnamon. Then whip it. Whip it good. (“Ba da ba da da. Crack that whip!”) Scrape the sides and whip it a little more.

Store the heavenly concoction in the fridge or leave it out at room temperature. It’s going to spread much easier at room temperature, but it’s up to you! Serve on rolls, toast, bagels, sweet potatoes, etc. Enjoy! And good luck not eating all of it!


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