Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sunday Devotional Thought: "Our testimony as Christians in the world is that God is love..."


I enjoyed re-reading the following article published in the Keswick Week Journal (1959) and written by Rev. L.F.E. Wilkinson.  I trust you will enjoy reading these timeless thoughts as well.

"Our testimony as Christians in the world is that God is love; and that the Cross is the eternal witness to that fact.


"By this  shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another." John 13:35. True love gives without demand. True love never says "I will only love if..." or "I will love, but they will have to change their habits." Love pours out without demanding that the other must change; that the other must be conformed to your wants and to your ways.

True love cares for the other's best. Paul's description in 1  Cor. 13, it does not call attention to itself at the expense of others. Paul says, "Love takes no account of evil done to it; it pays no attention to a suffered wrong; it bears up under anything, and is ever ready to believe the best about anyone."


He says, "As I have loved you, so you must love one another (:34). John says that Jesus, "Having loved His own that were in the world, He loved them unto the end"

a.  On that "Last Supper Night", He loved them in the midst of jealousy. There was not a very pleasing atmosphere in that upper room. They all had their minds very much on the earth. They thought He was going to lead a rebellion against the Romans, and they, His close associates, would be the members of the Cabinet.    

b.   He Loved to the depths of foot-washing.  Did not one of them realize what needed to be done? Did not one of them realize that the Master's feet were dusty?But not one of them so responded let alone touch the feet of one of those other disciples. But Jesus gladly laid aside His garment and took a basin and a towel, and He moved round from one to the other and washed their feet.Washing His disciples' feet, He made it an act of glory, an act of grace.

c.  The Lord loved to the limits of betrayal. One of the most amazing things is the love which the Lord Jesus showed to Judas. Do you realize that He washed Judas' feet that night? The feet of the one who was going to lead the column of foes and betray Him in the garden. He  not only washed his feet, but He gave to Judas the sop, the tit-bit which was handed to the greatest friend. He gave it to Judas.

d.  The Lord loved also beyond the shame of denial. Did Peter curse and swear and deny Him three times? When the Lord rose again, He sent a special message to Peter.He had a special meeting with Peter; and He not only took that man who had cursed and denied and disowned Him, but He gave him back his apostleship  and said, "feed my sheep, feed my lambs." 


"A new commandment give I unto you, that you love one another."  Obedience to His command brings spiritual revival,  it also brings healing. Praying and working and loving together, has been an instrument of healing throughout the church.

We are deeply aware of and thankful for His wonderful love!...for the enabling that His love offers!

I conclude with these thoughts:
     Perfect love is the fruit of the Spirit's indwelling. 
     Perfect love is the  evidence of the Spirit's Lordship.
     Perfect love is yours through the willing acceptance of         the Father's gift."


-       Compiled by David L. Keith

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